Frequently Asked Questions

A fraternity is a social organization for men (or a sorority for women) often found on college campuses. Fraternities provide a sense of community and offer various social, academic, and philanthropic activities.

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christian Fraternity for men in college. Alpha Gamma Omega has locations all over the US. If there is not an AGO Chapter at your school, we encourage you to explore starting a chapter.

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christ-centered Fraternity founded in 1927. We are a National fraternity, meaning that we have multiple chapters across the USA. Alpha Gamma Omega is not a church or a campus ministry, it is a Fraternity. Alpha Gamma Omega is not a replacement for either, rather it is an additional network and it should enhance your faith and faith connections. All members are encouraged to attend, serve, and partner with local churches and college ministries
Alpha Gamma Omega is an inter-denominational organization, meaning that we do not adhere to a specific denomination of Christianity. Our organization makes spiritual and operational decisions that align with our Statement of Beliefs. You may explore those beliefs HERE 
Alpha Gamma Omega does not require its members to be professing Christians, however, the beliefs and personal conduct policies align with the traditional beliefs of the Christian Faith. Many Brothers have committed or re-dedicated their lives to Christ through Alpha Gamma Omega. For non-believers, AGO is a place where you may explore your faith with a trusted group of Brothers.
Alpha Gamma Omega is a substance-free and hazing-free organization. Alpha Gamma Omega’s uniqueness lies in our commitment to have a Christ-honoring organization, so that means that the stereotypical fraternity concerns do not apply to us. We encourage all college men to explore the leadership and faith-growing opportunities that Alpha Gamma Omega provides.

Alpha Gamma Omega offers a network of support, leadership opportunities, social events, and community service projects. They can also provide a sense of belonging and help with personal and professional development.

In addition to all these general benefits, joining Alpha Gamma Omega also fosters a place for Spiritual Growth for those who follow the Christian Faith. During pledgeship, the new members will have a “discipleship-like” relationship with their Big Bro, they will build bonds with their Pledge Brothers through unique experiences and events and will experience Christ in a new way through the lens of a Fraternity. 

The process usually involves attending recruitment events, meeting current members, and participating in interviews or “bids.” Each fraternity has its unique recruitment process, often starting at the beginning of the school year or semester.

The Alpha Gamma Omega recruitment process starts with Rush. Rush is a 1-2 week period where prospective new members may enjoy free events to meet the members of the Fraternity and learn more about if joining AGO is for you. Any prospective new member will submit an application for membership, and if the Brothers identify you as a good fit, they will extend a “bid” to join the Fraternity. After you receive and accept your bid, you will be an official “pledge” of Alpha Gamma Omega. 

If you do not receive a bid to join, likely, the Brothers do not see you as a good fit for the organization.

The only requirements for membership are that you are a male, are an enrolled student where an Alpha Gamma Omega Chapter is located, and maintain good academic standing with the University. 

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christian Fraternity, however, we do not require our members to be “professing” believers in the Christian faith. All operational and spiritual decisions are made in alignment with our Fraternity Statement of Beliefs. In addition, we do require that all members follow our Code of Conduct. If any active or potential member fails to follow our Code of Conduct, they may be removed from membership.

The men who join AGO are either 1) committed Followers of Christ looking for deeper friendship and leadership opportunities, 2) a Believer in Christ looking to strengthen their faith through brotherhood and accountability, or 3) a non-believer who is looking to explore the Christian faith and is inspired by the morals and values that Alpha Gamma Omega promotes and the Brothers that represent the Chapter and the Faith.

If there is not an AGO at your university, we encourage you to explore the AGO Chapter Founding process. 

Joining Alpha Gamma Omega is often compared to taking an additional 3 unit class. Weekly responsibilities include attending weekly Chapter meetings, participating in events/retreats, and fulfilling obligations related to chapter activities. 

The time commitment is often outweighed by the immense value that AGO brings to a man’s life. When you join AGO, you will often develop your closest friendships in college. So the weekly “obligations” are often synonymous with hanging out with your closest friends. Many Brothers have joined despite their busy schedules. 

The pledgeship period does require consistent studying of the Fraternity History and attendance to events, but this equates to a 3-unit class. If a Brotjer opts to hold an executive leadership position within a Chapter, then their time commitment will increase depending on the role.

We’ve had men in Pre-Med/Pre-Law. We’ve had nursing and engineering students. We’ve had ROTC. We’ve had MBA and other post-Bach students join AGO. We’ve had men with full-time jobs and full-time student responsibilities. If you see the value of joining AGO, we can make the other obligations work with your schedule. 

In addition to the benefits as a student, all Brothers will have access to our Alumni portal, where they can make connections with AGO men all over the world

The pledge process involves learning about the fraternity’s history, values, and traditions and often includes bonding activities with current members. This period is designed to integrate new members into the fraternity.

The Alpha Gamma Omega new member (pledge) process ranges from 5-8 weeks and will vary based on the Chapter’s University’s academic calendar. Alpha Gamma Omega pledgeship is modeled after 2 Timothy 2:2; where Apostle Paul is entrusting Timothy with his teachings to “reliable people.” Any potential new member (Pledge) is considered a “reliable person” and the Active Brothers of the Chapter are entrusting the teachings and traditions of Alpha Gamma Omega to you.

Pledges will learn about the history of Alpha Gamma Omega, be assigned a Big Bro and Pledge Name, attend necessary Pledge events and Bible Studies, and complete Initiation weekend. Upon the successful completion of Initiation, the Pledge will be formally admitted into Alpha Gamma Omega.

To reiterate, Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christian Fraternity, so we are strictly against Hazing of any kind. The purpose of pledgeship is to teach our prospective new members the traditions of this AGO and to build deep bonds with the Brothers. Every activity that a pledge does has a Biblical purpose, even if it is considered “challenging.” Our prospective new members are expected to carry the values and traditions of Alpha Gamma Omega, if they do not honor or complete the process, they will be removed from consideration for membership.

Upon joining a Fraternity, it is common that you would pay “dues” for your active membership in the organization. Dues help support the day-to-day operations of an organization.

Alpha Gamma Omega is no different, however, our costs are often lower than most fraternities due to our stance on being a substance-free organization. Chapter Dues will vary from campus to campus, but they will often range from $300-$400 per semester or quarter. All active members will also pay a yearly fee of $250 that goes to the AGO National Headquarters office. This covers member insurance and other miscellaneous operations costs. Newly initiated members will pay a one-time “Initiation Dues” cost upon official acceptance into AGO. This package includes a new member’s regalia package, a personalized Bible, and onboarding to the AGO alumni network.

Financial Concerns: Our National Headquarters and alumni believe in the life-changing opportunities of AGO, so we encourage ANY prospective new member to NOT make money the reason you don’t join AGO. We have new member scholarship opportunities for any potential new member facing financial hardship.

Alpha Gamma Omega is a substance-free organization. No Alpha Gamma Omega-sponsored event, meeting, etc will have the use of recreational drugs or alcohol. This policy includes before and after AGO events (no “pre-gaming” or “post-gaming”). All Alpha Gamma Omega Houses are “dry” houses, meaning that alcohol or drugs are strictly prohibited from the premises.

Members of Alpha Gamma Omega are not prohibited from using alcohol as long as they are above the legal age and are not falling into drunkenness. Underage men are prohibited from drinking alcohol, and if a Brother encourages underage drinking, he may be removed from the Fraternity. The recreational use of marijuana is prohibited in AGO, even if it is legal in your state.

Alpha Gamma Omega also has a strict no-hazing policy. Hazing is illegal, and Alpha Gamma Omega will not partake in it. If there is any hint of hazing, the prospective member is encouraged to reach out to their regional advisor.

Sexual harassment and abuse are strictly prohibited in Alpha Gamma Omega. Any allegation or action committed by a member of a pledge of Alpha Gamma Omega will be considered for permanent removal from the organization.

All of the specific policies are detailed in the Alpha Gamma Omega Risk Management Policy, our Biblical Basis for Christian Standards, and our Code of Conduct. Any member that breaks these rules, may be removed from the Fraternity.

We get it. If your son calls you about joining a Fraternity, we understand the potential disgust and disapproval. We encourage you to explore Alpha Gamma Omega because our mission is to be different than the stereotypical “fraternity.” We find that the benefits of joining AGO far outweigh the concerns.

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christian Fraternity, meaning that we uphold the teachings and standards of Jesus Christ and the Bible. We are not like the fraternities that you see in movies. Activities like drinking/drugs, encouraging promiscuity, hazing/bullying, etc. are prohibited from our organization. We desire to develop your son into a strong, confident, and committed scholar and future leader. Alpha Gamma Omega aims to break the negative connotations associated with fraternities.

Alpha Gamma Omega provides a supportive social network. Studies show that one of the leading causes of college dropouts is depression and lack of meaningful friendship. AGO is hoping to end the loneliness and depression epidemic in young men. College is hard, and AGO helps young men navigate the struggles of college, academically and socially. The friendships made in AGO often extend beyond their college years.

Alpha Gamma Omega provides a supportive faith network. Deciding to follow Christ in college is a major decision for a young man. We are faced with temptations and questions every single day. Alpha Gamma Omega provides a place for a young man to navigate their faith in college. Over 80% of our alumni state that AGO formed them into the Christian man today. AGO is not a church, so we still encourage church attendance and membership, but AGO’s “Acts 2” like community helps men grow in their faith

Alpha Gamma Omega provides opportunities that enhance their college experience. In addition to striving for academic excellence, AGO provides countless leadership opportunities for its members. Members have an opportunity to serve in an executive leadership position during their time at school. Executive Officers are invited to attend our yearly leadership summits where they gain practical training for their roles but also are exposed to some of the best leaders in the Christian network. These positions vary in responsibility but focus on areas of sales/marketing, recruitment, member care, financial management, event planning, team building, community service, and general leadership development. Many alumni accredit their success in their careers to the “early” leadership opportunities that AGO provided.

Finally, Alpha Gamma Omega provides connections to the post-college job market. AGO has graduated thousands of alumni across many generations. Many men enter ministry, missions, and the secular marketplace. Many Brothers had their careers kickstarted by AGO Alumni. AGO has an exclusive alumni network that allows students to pursue mentorship, letters of recommendation, and intern/job opportunities. This is often one of the “unseen” values of joining AGO

We urge you to consider these benefits for your son. If you have any specific questions, we encourage you to reach out to one of our Regional Advisors, who are our employees who oversee our collegiate chapters.

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christian Fraternity for male students. Alpha Gamma Omega is not a church, nor is it a para-church organization; it is a Fraternity that is led by students. It is not a replacement for a church or campus ministry because of the lack of in-person Pastoral oversight. Our men are often fiery followers of Christ, but may display moments of immaturity; we don’t want this to taint your perception of these men. One of our key tenants is to “promote Christian fellowship.” We desire Unity within the family of Christ

We encourage all of our men to be active in local fellowships. We want our men to PARTNER with you, not COMPETE with you. Because of our structure, AGO’s biggest strength is accountability and spontaneity. We desire our men to be “sharp” (see our IronMan accountability program) and their operational flexibility allows them to mobilize initiatives quickly. Our men are often some of the most committed young Christian men on campus, and we WANT them to lead in your ministry. In addition, we want the local church to surround our men with insight and support. We desire your encouragement, partnership, and endorsement of AGO.

We also understand that finding meeting space is complex on campuses. Our organization allows for the pursuit of housing in a unique way. Our Chapter Houses are often some of the best places to house Christian young men for affordable accommodations. If you have young men in your ministry, we want to provide housing if available.

In addition, Chapter Houses are an alternative place of worship for our partnering ministries, so if you desire to host Bible Studies, Worship Nights, etc. These events can often promote Unity amongst the body of Christ, and these events are very “powerful” and yield eternal fruit.

If you have any questions about AGO, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Regional Advisor team on ways to partner