About AGO

Be Disciples. Make Disciples. Together.

What is Alpha Gamma Omega?

Alpha Gamma Omega is a Christ-centered social fraternity. Alpha Gamma Omega (or. A-G-O) was founded in 1927 by a group of zealous young believers at UCLA and has since expanded to multiple campuses. AGO exists to provide a lifelong brotherhood that is rooted in Christ and promotes leadership and spiritual development.

Alpha Gamma Omega is committed to fostering a brotherhood of men dedicated to the principles of Christian living, academic excellence, and servant leadership. Our mission is to empower each brother to embody Christian values, uphold moral integrity, and positively impact the world around us through service, fellowship, and unwavering commitment to the teachings of Jesus Christ. AGO seeks to inspire a generation of leaders who lead with love, humility, and a profound dedication to making a difference in the lives of others.

Alpha Gamma Omega has built a long-standing reputation for developing the next generation of Christian leaders. Our members and alumni go on to start businesses, found ministries, pastor churches, and lead in the marketplace. AGO’s motto is “Fraternity for Eternity” meaning our brotherhood continues beyond college and into eternity by Christ’s salvation. Upon joining AGO you will be connected to a brotherhood that is committed to sharpening your faith and leads you to fulfill God’s purposes in your life. 

Preamble and Purposes of the Fraternity:

Believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal savior, we, as Christian young men of Alpha Gamma Omega Fraternity, purpose that it shall be the aim of this Fraternity:

1. Win others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ,

2. Promote Christianfellowship

3. Present Christian ideals in word and deed

4. Search reverently for the truth

5. Uphold the traditions and ideals of the university

6. Deepen the spiritual lives of the members


Be Disciples. Make Disciples. Together.


“Fraternity for Eternity”


History of AGO

The history of Alpha Gamma Omega dates back to the Fall semester of the 1926-27 school year, when three students at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) met during lunchtime for prayer and fellowship. These men began planing the establishment of a Christian club on campus. E. Harlan Fischer sent letters to 35 students during the Christmas break, inviting them to a dinner meeting at the Green Dragon Cafe on January 7, 1927. At the dinner, 16 men gathered to cast a vision.

Those present at the cafe felt that a Christian fraternity, founded on Christian ideals and fellowship, would be more reputable than a Christian club. E. Harlan Fischer appointed a committee to draw up a Constitution. This Constitution was submitted and accepted at the first official meeting of the Fraternity on February 15, 1927. Twelve men signed as charter members and Alpha Gamma Omega was founded.

In a 1944 letter to the Alpha Chapter at UCLA, founder E. Harlan Fischer wrote, “The primary purpose of AGO was to provide Christian fellowship for born again men thrown into an atmosphere of Godlessness and to give forth a testimony to others of the saving and keeping power of the Lord Jesus Christ.”