To Deepen the Spiritual Lives of the Members

In AGO, our fraternity has six purposes. We first learned them as pledges, then repeated them many times after activation. The sixth purpose is “to deepen the spiritual lives of the members”. AGO offers a unique space where young Christian men can sharpen and spur each other on their walks with Christ and fulfill that sixth purpose.

The best part of my job with AGO is hearing and seeing the workings of the Lord in and through AGO men. I’ve gotten to hear many testimonies, of both active and alumni brothers, of the transformative power of Christ.

Andres Morales (T-26) has one of those testimonies. While in AGO, Andres was witnessed to by his Tau brothers while pledging. He then became a Christian and was spurred by his brothers to grow deeper in his faith during his time in AGO. Here’s a little bit of his story, in his own words:

“When I arrived at Santa Clara University, I had no plans to join a fraternity or have a relationship with God. But within a few weeks, God led me to AGO, and seeing the brothers’ passion for their faith changed everything. I pledged fall quarter of my freshman year. During the pledge process my big brother took the time to meet up and read the Bible with me consistently. One day, God revealed the extent of my sin; I realized that only Jesus’ death could save me from my sin and only his resurrection could help me live a new life. God saved me, and he chose to use AGO to do it. During my time in AGO, I saw brothers encourage one another in Bible reading, purity, accountability, scripture memory, serving in church, outreach, and personal responsibility. I have so many memories, from pledge events to road trips, that I will never forget. Since moving to Texas I’ve been able to now lead a Missional Community group through my church. I thank God for how he used AGO in my life and I know it blessed many others as well.”

Andres Morales, T-26

Andres is one of many brothers that experienced a deepening of his spiritual life while in AGO. The stories like his are the one of the reasons for why we do this. Why we do AGO.

We hope this story encourages you about the works God does in AGO, both today, yesterday, and in the years to come.

Strong the Ties,

Owen Welch

Operations Advisor, Alpha Gamma Omega